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Q.Moving from TN to WA

Zone Cleveland, TN 37312 | Anonymous added on October 22, 2017 | Answered

I will be moving to Tumwater WA in March or April and would like to bring some day lilies, a small year old hydrangea and hostas with me. My hostas are in pots already but the hydrangea and lilies are not. How should I prep them to move and when? Should I bring them inside this winter?
Thankyou joy cruz
Joy-cruz@att.net or 423-650-3302

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 23, 2017

You should also place your Hydrangea in a pot and you can dig up the Daylilies and place the bulbs in containers.
Place them in a cold area with cold and constant temperatures.
A garage or shed will work.

I would not bring the plants indoors.

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