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Kalanchoe Plants

Q.Mother of Thousands Needs Help

Zone Irvine, CA 92604 | wdybj added on March 29, 2018 | Answered

This morning I discovered someone had snapped off the top 4″ of my still young Mother of Thousands. As I’ve raised this lovely plant from just the tiny flower bud, I’m quite upset. They took so much that I’m not sure if my plant will make it. Do you have any advice for what I should do with the exposed top? Do you think it can survive? The leaves are sad and drooping. 🙁 Thanks in advance!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 31, 2018

This will recover just fine. Just wide the cut part with peroxide. You can also plant those leaves. Leave them on the top of the soil, and they will root into more plants! Once the shock wears off, it will return to normal.

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Answered on April 1, 2018

Thank you, @BushDoctor! I'm hopeful for a full recovery.

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