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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Mother in law tongue

Zone 61114 | Stacyz_im added on December 13, 2015 | Answered

My grandmother lived to 103. She gave me the plant she received from her mother in law when she got married. The plant is over 85 years old! It was hanging all over and I repotted it. Now it’s wrinkled and looks bad. I will flip out if I kill this plant. I used dirt from outside and I have one pot. Leaves are yellow, rotting out. They are all by a cold window. I live in the north. The roots when I replanted were almost not present. I have never seen less roots ever. I am so confused and have read everything. Some are rotting, others look wrinkled and green and tight to the base. I watered it this morning. All three of them, as I don’t think I was watering enough, never deeply.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 14, 2015

Soil for the outside will likely kill the plant. It is to compact and will not allow the roots to absorb moisture properly and drain. Roots need air and the heavy soil from the ground will not allow this.

I recommend you remove the plant and repot with a good quality potting soil mix.
The container should just be 1 inch larger then the original pot. The plant will do better if it is root bound.

You need to allow the soil to dry between watering.
You can water the soil until it drains through the pot and then the soil is adequately moistened.

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