Q.Morning glory flowers bloom,then fall off
Why do my morning glories bloom, and the next day they fall off ??
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That is the nature of the plant! Sweet Potato flowers will do the same, as they are related.
This article will help you with the care of Morning Glories: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/morning-glory/growing-morning-glories.htm
There is a plant that is called "flower of an hour". It's blooms don't even last half a day. This is the nature of the plant. Morning glory flowers that last only a day sounds right. There should be numerous buds forming to replace the spent blooms and keep the color going. (The huge number of flowers, and therefore seed, that form in one growing season ensures you will never have to plant morning glory seeds again.) If you have few flowers, examine your fertilizing methods. Lots of nitrogen is good for leafy growth but this growth comes at the expense of flowers. Morning glory flowers best in full sun which means at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.