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Hyacinth Plant

Q.morning glories not blooming

Zone 13502 | momtojack added on July 24, 2018 | Answered

every year I try to grow heavenly blue morning glories….no flowers.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 24, 2018

Morning glories bloom best in full sun. Many gardeners have written in this summer because, in part, the excessive heat is causing plants to fail to bloom. This is a coping strategy as blooming places stress on the plant when it is already stressed by over-heating. Make sure it is well-watered and the soil has 3-4 inches of mulch to help keep the roots cool. Keeping roots cool is a big challenge when growing in containers in full sun. If you have lots of healthy green leaves and no flowers then the problem might be your soil is too rich. Morning glories bloom well in poor to average soil. Rich soil or addition of fertilizer will favor leafy growth over blooms.

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