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Q.Morello Cherry With Few Flowers Mostly Black ‘burnt’ Tips.

Zone PL11 3HR | Anonymous added on May 8, 2023 | Answered

I hope you might be able to advise me. A Morello cherry i planted about 10/12yrs ago seems to thrive as tree, but in spring the it produces few flowers, most of the branch tips have a black & burnt appearance. The modern edible self-fertile cherry planted close by is thriving & I get a crop. I’ve added a photos of the branch tips nearly all are like this I’ve never sprayed the tree. The 2 cherries are my only cherries. I don’t have a problem spraying if I need to. The tree is on a south facing gentle slope in south east Cornwall, a couple of miles inland from the coast. I’ve few other fruit trees, mainly apples, couple of pears & mirabelles who all seem fine. Many thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 9, 2023

It could be black knot fungus. Cut off the affected branches below the galls. You will need to spray a fungicide three times a year. Here is more:



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