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Hyacinth Plant

Q.moondance and peace roses

Zone Meridian, Idaho, 83642, 6b | alexaconway added on September 3, 2018 | Answered

Both of these roses are now somewhat ‘overtaken’ by a ground cover I planted. The lower portion of each (about 8″) is now covered. They aren’t blooming as much as they normally did and I’m wondering if the actual stalk and knot need to be getting more sun. They get well watered, on a drip system and are planted in a full sun location 6b zone. thx.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 6, 2018

Having companion plantings with rosebushes can work but it is vitally important to keep well maintained food and water boundaries. It sounds like the ground cover plantings are stealing nutrients and water from the rosebushes feeder root systems. The ground cover needs to be removed back to a 16 to 18 inch diameter around each rosebush. They need that room for their feeder roots to be able to get the food/fertilizers and water without having to strongly compete for them. They are not getting enough nourishment to perform as desired. Ground covers survive on the very same nutrients and water that the roses need. Being ground covers they will win that battle every time. I recommend taking the ground cover out back to the diameters I previously mentioned. Then add some nice compost to the same areas working in to the soils lightly and then perhaps add a nice decorative mulch to help hold the ground cover plantings back. The rosebushes will thank you for it.

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