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Q.Moon Flower Or Datura We Have Smells Nice And Sweet. But It Is Not Vining It Grows A Very Big

Zone 5b 6a fishers IN 46037 | Anonymous added on September 29, 2021 | Answered

Moon flower or datura? It’s not a vine it’s a plant . Will grow very large. Plants seem to open in the evening or night. Sometimes open during day. Your article says the toxins ones smell bad. These don’t. They smell lovely. Will they poison the other plants around them? The plants around them are big concern! I’m already keeping people and pets out. Like sunflowers and black walnut trees can make soil bad for other plants? Are they toxic in the variety I have to touch or dogs to be around?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 12, 2021

Yours sounds like it is the Moonflower Datura and it is a bushy plant. All parts of the plant are extremely toxic although I didn't find anything that said the toxins migrated in the soil. The article below is rather sobering if you have inquisitive kids.


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