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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Moon Cactus

BonsaiGirlGreen added on April 4, 2018 | Answered

My teacher got a moon cactus and the stock, which comes from the “Dragon Fruit” cactus is totally dead. I want to graft it onto a better-suited cactus. Can I graft it onto a different kind or is this the only kind that works?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 4, 2018

They can graft to a few other species, but it will be best to be grafted to the cactus that it is originally grafted to.

You can try on many species. Some will take and some will die. Even on a known grafting species, many of them will not take to the graft. This process will be trial and error, so as long as you have several, then you can try to graft to many things.

I would stick to the dragon fruit, or even some species of euphorbia.

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