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Moon Cactus

Q.moon cactus

Zone 90201 | leslieezam added on March 30, 2018 | Answered

i bought a mini garden with a moon cactus in it, when i transferred it all to a new pot, i noticed the bottom half of the moon cactus was actually buried under the soil causing it to dry off and fall off, the top half (plus the pink ball at the top) seem healthy, will it be okay? will it continue to survive?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 1, 2018

This is very common. Where ever you got it from likely kept it over watered. You can bury up to a little past that, and it will re root from this area. Just make sure to water only when it is almost completely dry to avoid further rot. This article will give you more information on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/moon-cactus/care-of-moon-cactus.htm

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