Q.Moles in vegetable garden
We have a 20′ X 40″ vegetable garden that is being ravished by moles! We have applied “Mole-max”, twice. Also, we have mixed a potion of camphor oil, dishwashing detergent and water, and applied that as well. We were lucky enough to catch one of the little creeps, but it seems that there are many more. I have read many articles on protecting against them, such as burying chicken wire around the plants. (please, this would take all season long to accomplish and I probably would ruin most of the plants doing this.) Also, read pros and cons on juicy fruit gum, vibrating stakes, exhaust fumes, flooding, etc. Please help with some sane way to address this problem. Thank you.
Getting rid of moles is tricky and nothing is deemed to be fully effective. Supposedly pepper helps deter moles, but I wouldn't bank on it. Some people also place cut garlic cloves in mole holes to repel them. You simply have to keep at it using different methods till you find something that works for you. At this point anything is worth a try. Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/mole-control-home-remedies-for-removing-moles-from-your-yard.htm