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Container Gardening

Q.mixing ivy

Zone 6a | SidCooper added on February 24, 2017 | Answered

I am trying to find out if mixing a wandering jew plant in with a ground ivy is a good idea or not. The ground ivy is the common English Ivy, and is in a large planter.

Thanks so much!
Best Regards,

James Crissen

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 25, 2017

I would not recommend planting these two plants together. Though the light conditions for both are the same, watering conditions are not.
English Ivy prefer to remain slightly on the dry side, Wandering Jew plants need a consistent moisture level.


Perhaps you could find a basket that you could tuck 2 separate pots together.
This may give you the appearance of both plants enjoying the same container.

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