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Q.Mixing acid loving fertilizer with soil acidifier

Zone Sellersburg, In. Zone 6B | MeadMaker84 added on May 31, 2016 | Answered

I have four two-year-old blueberry plants in 12-inch pots, plan on upgrading their pots next year. I am having a really hard time keeping the soil pH low and was wondering if I can mix ecoscraps natural and organic azalea, camellia and rhododendron plant food for acid loving plants with epsoma organic soil acidifier. I used 1 to 2 tablespoons of ecoscraps plant food and mixed in 3 inches of the top soil and was wondering if I can also use the acidifier in the same time frame or do I have to wait weeks or a month? Sorry it’s such a long confusing question. I just want to do this the right way because I’ve been trying for a couple months with coffee grounds mixed with water and a smaller dose of the soil acidifier and could not get the required results. Which is why I decided to try and mix the plant food and soil acidifier in the same time frame hoping to finally get the pH Down 4.5 5.5. They have not been below 7 pH since I acquired them four months ago. Again, sorry for such a long question but any and all help would be appreciated greatly. Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2016

Or can I make a tea out of the soil acidifier and just water with that at the same time? Or possibly make a tea out of the food?

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