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Black Mission Fig Trees

Q.Mission fig leaf and bark problem

Anonymous added on August 28, 2015 | Answered

My black mission fig is at least 40 years old. On the western side, the bark is heavily wrinkled and the leaves are much smaller than the balance of the tree. Still bears figs on the western side, although smaller. Any suggestions on what it might be and what may possibly be done to alleviate the situation? Thank you for addressing this situation for me.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 29, 2015

It could be that it is just growing older. It is at an age where you will start to see it decline and figs can get wrinkled bark as they decline. But it could also be a pest. There are a few beetles that can cause wrinkled bark with their boring. Check the tree for evidence of boring around the area and it would not hurt to treat the tree with neem oil, which will be absorbed by the tree and will attack any pests that may be inside it.

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