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Miscanthus Grasses

Q.Miscanthus Giganteus Grass Not Growing

Anonymous added on August 22, 2022 | Answered

Planted two Miscanthus last summer and they did well. This spring they (2) did not come up. Soil warmed up. Still nothing. Late July, I dug them up. Both plants had roots but no Rhizomes. Roots were brown, alive, and had very typical “grass like roots” that were thick. Transplanted elsewhere as I had new ones coming but they NEVER shot up sprouts. It’s August 22nd now. Roots appear to be alive still. They were 1 year plants so I don’t know if that was a problem. I live in N.B. Canada zone 5B (close to Calais-Maine). Any suggestions? Should I cover the new ones this winter? I didn’t cut or cover last years. Soil seems to be fine as they grew well last (old plants), and this, year(new plants).

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 1, 2022

Your zone will be equivalent to our zone 4b. With this being said, this will be the absolute lowest number climate zone that the grass will survive. Should the winter get just a little colder than usual, you may see some die off.

Mulching in the winter, and removing in the spring will likely help.

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