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Mint Plants

Q.Mint plant stem broken and spots on leaves

Zone Brooklyn, NY | sparkie added on July 28, 2016 | Answered

Two questions:

First, I just noticed that my mint plant’s stalk has broken and the broken part is browning. What should I do? Should I cut it and propagate it? Or is there another remedy? The broken part is toward the bottom and if I need to cut and propagate it’ll be a pretty long part so I’m hoping there’s another way.

Second, there are some spots on the leaves and I’m not sure what they are and if I should be worried about them. The spots were white and now they’ve turned brown and I see one starting to brown the actual leaf from the tip.

Pictures attached of part of stem where it’s bent/broken and another picture where you can see the spots on leaves.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 29, 2016

I'm sorry your mint plant is damaged! The good news is that you can definitely propagate it by using cuttings. This article will walk you through how:


And this article will give you some tips on growing (and controlling!) different types of mint:

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