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Mint Plants


Zone 98837 | Innachka_G21 added on September 11, 2016 | Answered

I took a few cuttings a few months back from an existing plant but didn’t know how old that plant was. Now my mint flowered and looks kind of old. Everywhere I read said to prune back before flowering. What can I do now?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 11, 2016

You can still prune the mint and use the leaves if you wish. The flavor of this year's leaves may decline after flowering, but the plants will be good as new next year. Trimming back will help the plants be ready for winter. Also, mints usually spread easily so you might have more young plants next year. See this article:


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Answered on September 11, 2016

Alisma, can I prune it now or do I have to wait till later in the fall?

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