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Miniature Roses

Q.Miniature Roses

Zone Ol68rt | g123g56 added on June 18, 2021 | Answered

How long do miniature roses live for

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 27, 2021

Roses renew themselves by sending up new canes from the crown and the crown itself renews itself by spreading sideways in all directions. Thus, a rose can live as long as it receives proper care and the environment is suitable for it. There are some non-miniature roses that are over 100 years old. Most miniatures have no scent but several do. A large number of them is produced by Kordes (Netherlands) and are called Kordana Roses. It is not possible to tell the following before purchasing miniatures in florist stores but, some miniature roses may have been treated with a growth retardant hormone to keep them small so, once you plant them outside, they become larger plants with the same size of blooms as before.

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