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Miniature Roses

Q.miniature rose garden

Zone 10a | lulusland added on July 9, 2012 | Answered

I am very new to the gardening world. We recently purchased a home and there is nothing at the moment in our front yard. . . just grass and there used to be big bushes, which have been removed. In the place of the bushes I want to plant miniature roses but the area is wide, so I would also like to include another type of flower with the roses. My question, is what other flower can I plant with miniature roses?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 10, 2012
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Answered on July 19, 2012

I recommend you go to this link > http://www.pwcertified.com/grower/plants/detail.cfm?photoID=9328 and contact them to find a place to purchase some more of this beautiful plant.

Stan The Roseman :o)

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Answered on July 19, 2012

So I ended up buying superbena royale red because i loved the red color with yellow mini roses.... now the only problem i have is.... i didnt purchase enough of superbena because i wanted to see what it would look like before i bought more and now.... i cant find them at the stores.... or online.... now what can i do... i really like that red color...:(

and thank you so much for your help

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Answered on July 10, 2012

Along with the article above that I wrote, I recommend place small metal borders in the ground between the companion plantings and the miniature roses. This will help to keep the upper root systems from growing together so much and possibly causing either the mini roses or companion plants to struggle. Enjoy!

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