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Cucumber Plants

Q.Mini Cucumber

Anonymous added on October 31, 2012 | Answered

A friend just returned from Singapore and she talked of a mini cucumber about 2 inches long, pale green with yellowish stripes along the length. I would like to know the variety, please. I know it is not an easy question.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 1, 2012

It can be pretty tough to pin down varieties from other countries. So many varieties are only grown locally and the seeds don't leave the local area. But that said, maybe one of these varieties is close:

Yamato - This has the colors right and is an Asian variety, but the length is too long. Perhaps it is a variation on this one.

Mexican sour - Right description, but wrong area and they are known for a very distinctive flavor.

Mini White - Very pale, almost white, and sometimes does have yellow stripes.

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