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Ming Aralia Plants

Q.Ming Aralia

Zone 73130 | dondiego added on June 17, 2016 | Answered

My Ming Aralia is about 6 years old. I’ve had it for about 9 months. I’ve been keeping it in a south exposing window, with two or three hours of sunlight outside when I get home. Watering every three days or so and misting almost every day. It was thriving and doing beautifully. I had to go TDY for three days and, although it stayed in the window, it had a great deal of yellow leaves and drooping branches. I watered it and left it out in the sun all day today. Now the leaves are turning black.

Please help. Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 6, 2016

Thank you for your help. I got an indoor plant light as I think the high temperatures here just dried out the yellow leaves. Just can't understand why the leaves and branches yellowed so quickly. At this point, I think it will survive, but missing a great deal of foliage. Thanks again!

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Answered on June 18, 2016

It would appear that your plant is receiving too much sunlight.

Medium, indirect sunlight is needed.
Also the soil needs to be evenly moist.

You will need to trim away the dead material and give the plant time to recover.

Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.


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