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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Million bells

Zone 37660 | Kayla Bellamy added on June 17, 2017 | Answered

I received this hanging basket for mothers day, it had been doing great! Growing and blooming like crazy, it was beautiful. We left for vacation and my mother took care of the flowers while we were gone. She said she kept check in the soil and it was moist. When I returned from the beach I noticed it looked kind of wilted and now almost a week later it looks as if the top of the plant is sting. Also, it seems as if one aide is wilted and the other side isn’t. What happened to my flowers and how can I help them? I’m so disappointed because they were doing so well and then all of a sudden they start to die. I’ll attach pictures for reference. Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 20, 2017

From just the image it could be due to watering issues, watering from overhead could cause fungus issues--it is best to water the soil and not down into the crown of the plant.

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