Q.Milky Spore And Getting Rid Of Moles
I am caretaking a 1/2 acre yard and home – soil is sandy loam – there are moles and gophers to the point that i can sink into the ground every 4th step – new holes every time I go out there. I am researching mole control (eradication could work also) and have come to amending soil to make area unattractive. Thus – milky spore. I plan to add large amts of compost ( horse manure plus other stuff) and till in before winter rains, and plant cover crop of nitrogen-fixers. Question – at what point in this project should the milky spore be applied? before amending and tilling, after, does it matter ? Thank you Nancy
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The only thing that I could see that being good for, is removing one of their food sources- Grubs.
Other than that, I don't think that it will do much good for moles.
If you DO want to apply Milky Spore, this should be done after tilling. You don't want to disturb the piles that you lay, too much. This article will help:
These articles will offer more suggestions: