Q.Milkweed plants in fire-prone areas
I would like to plant some milkweed seeds for Monarch butterflies. However, we must clear our land of brush for wild fire prevention. Is milkweed safe to plant in Nevada County, California, where wildfire is our biggest threat?

I found information by doing a search for "fire resistant plants in Nevada Co, California". Other general info follows from CalFire

As a wildflower, milkweed actually relies on forces of nature for it's seed propagation. In my northern midwest location, the milkweed that grows wild here needs the extremely cold winter in order to germinate. In areas that experience a lot of fire, I know many wildflowers actually rely on the fire for seed their germination. I would guess California milkweeds are the same. After fires have passed they will reseed. I wouldn't worry about the plants, Just the caterpillars, eggs and monarchs. Maybe try a diy butterfly tower in a safe place to rear caterpillars