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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Milkweed insect pests, what to do?

Zone Moores Hill IN 47032 | krystalm added on June 30, 2018 | Answered

I have a swamp milkweed that is growing like crazy. I feared it would not do well in my dry garden but I put it in a low spot which it seems to like very much! However, now, after about 6 bug free months, the milkweed beetles have begun to feast. I read on this site that they eat only the seeds and unless you are worried about collecting seed, to just leave the bugs alone. But will they attack and eat the butterfly larvae which I impatiently await? – Also I noticed a round yellowish black spotted bug joining the party. Cucumber beetle? I have tried Dawn insecticidal water/soap mix, the milkweed beetles sort of froze but did not fall off. I have not tried it on the yellow beetle yet. I have not seen any aphids but I’m sure they will be next *sigh*

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 2, 2018

It would be hard to say for sure without a photo. I can give you a link to many articles. There are many articles that will let you understand how to make natural pesticides, and how they work. Most are broad spectrum, but the best part is that you can mix them to cover a broader range of insects. Here is the collection: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic

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