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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Viburnums look like they are dying

Zone Zone 6 Northern Ohio | akf29 added on August 23, 2015 | Answered

Three viburnums that are 3 years old now look like they are all dying mid-August. Leaves turning brown, dried out and branches looking sparse. It was a very rainy spring then fairly dry summer but I have been watering. I will say we have a horrible deer problem and despite every effort they did eat EVERY flower in early spring. 🙁 Should I prune now, not at all, later in fall?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 25, 2015

Thanks! I will pick some up tomorrow and give it a try. Certainly can't hurt...they look DEAD as in 80 - 90 % brown, dried out leaves. I did also have an unusual insect problem this year in the entire yard (the neighborhood as well) and my husband and I both remarked how many spiders there were this year.

So, should I prune now? Before or after spraying neem oil?

Thanks again

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Answered on August 24, 2015

It may be a combination of environmental stresses that are showing on your plants.
I would suggest a treatment of Neem Oil to help with any fungus issues the plants may be suffering.
It is safe for plants, people, pets and bees. Neem Oil works as both an insecticide and fungicide.

Go ahead and trim the plants back, dead head and if the stems are still green and healthy leave them to die down naturally.


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