Q.Meyers lemon trees indoors
I had my lemon trees out all summer. Now I have brought them inside because the night air is down to 50. I noticed that the leaves are falling off very easily. I have plenty of blooms and a large lemon on the one plant, but the other has none. Tips please? And why are the leaves falling off?
Leaf drop is a common problem when citrus trees are moved from a high light environment outdoors to a low light environment indoors. You could keep the trees outdoors during the day and indoors at night for a week or so, while the tree adjusts to the new environment. Some leaf drop is probably inevitable, but the tree should recover soon.
Also, plants need less water and no fertilizer when they're brought indoors, since they won't use water as quickly in the lower light. Overwatering can also cause leaf drop.
The more light a Meyer lemon gets, the more likely it is to flower and fruit, but that also depends on the age of the plant and other factors: