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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Meyer Lemon tree losing leaves and dying branches

Zone Folsom, CA 95630 | dmberube added on October 24, 2016 | Answered

I have a young Meyer Lemon Tree that is about 2 years old (it’s a daughter branch from another tree). It was given to me as a gift. The first year it didn’t do much. Last year, it grew many small branches and had lots of leaves….it looked really good! About 3 months ago, it started losing leaves. I found out that I had spider mites. I sprayed it with Neem oil and the pests have seemed to go away. Also, I transplanted it to a larger pot. Since then, it has lost more leaves and the branches are starting to die off from the top down (every time I water it, more leaves drop….if I don’t water it, leaves drop). I have been pruning those off the tree. At one point I may have been over watering it but have since stopped. I am trying to save this little tree but nothing seems to be working! I’m not sure if I have root rot or a fungus or what the problems are!! I am attaching some photos in the hope that someone might be able to help me. I am having the same issues with my Kumquat Tree….UGH!! Any comments or advice is much appreciated!! Thanks!!

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