Q.Meyer Lemon tree losing leaves and dying branches
I have a young Meyer Lemon Tree that is about 2 years old (it’s a daughter branch from another tree). It was given to me as a gift. The first year it didn’t do much. Last year, it grew many small branches and had lots of leaves….it looked really good! About 3 months ago, it started losing leaves. I found out that I had spider mites. I sprayed it with Neem oil and the pests have seemed to go away. Also, I transplanted it to a larger pot. Since then, it has lost more leaves and the branches are starting to die off from the top down (every time I water it, more leaves drop….if I don’t water it, leaves drop). I have been pruning those off the tree. At one point I may have been over watering it but have since stopped. I am trying to save this little tree but nothing seems to be working! I’m not sure if I have root rot or a fungus or what the problems are!! I am attaching some photos in the hope that someone might be able to help me. I am having the same issues with my Kumquat Tree….UGH!! Any comments or advice is much appreciated!! Thanks!!
Watering Citrus to keep the soil moist is important. Uneven watering is the likely cause to your leaf drop.
The articles below will refresh you on the care requirements.