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Meyer Lemon Trees

Q.Meyer Lemon Tree in pot

Zone Melbourne, Australia | h.lindsay@imatters.com.au added on August 28, 2016 | Answered

My Meyer Lemon tree in a pot is getting yellow leaves and is looking sad. It looks like it is going to have lots of flowers coming through but it does not have lovely green leaves that my lime tree has that is planted in the ground. I am guessing that this is lack of regular fertilizer – it has had plenty of water over the Melbourne winter. I have just given it blood and bone and some seaweed liquid fertilizer to see if I can revive it.

Attached is a photo of the leaves. Can you tell me if there is something else I can do other than keep up the water and 6 weekly fertilizer? Pot is good size and it is in a sunny warm spot.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 29, 2016

Your plan sounds like the best thing for the tree's recovery. Also consider an iron fertilizer if the ones you are using don't contain iron.

If your Meyer lemon doesn't recove after a few months, check for any symptoms of the diseases listed in this article:


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