Q.Meyer Lemon Tree From Seed- Do I Need To Prune? And How? Please Help!!
Hey guys! This started out as a science project for my kindergarten daughter and the tree has just taken off! We planted a Meyer lemon seed from a Meyer lemon we bought at the store. We have had the plant for <1 year and it has grown to 47 inches. It’s doing very well and seems to be happy but I’m not sure how to prune it? Or if i even should prune it? I don’t see any “suckers” coming off the bottom I don’t believe? But, it is branching down lower. The pot size is 8.5 inches. I have only transplanted it once since I have had it. We live in Portland, OR. We had it outside all summer, and just brought it in for the cold weather. PLEASE HELP! I am now falling in love with the successful science project and want to keep it happy for many years to come! I have been watering it, adding a little bit of coffee grinds to the top every once in awhile and sometimes will mix a little urine with water to water it (someone recommended that 🙂 ) Thank you for your help all you smart fellow gardeners!! Also… I am nervous to top it because it looks like it’s starting to branch up high as well. I just don’t know if I should leave it alone or try to control where it puts it’s energy. (Not sure if that makes sense) The pic with the red circles is a close up of the very top of the tree. Not sure if those are branches starting to form or more leaves. #firsttimer Thanks again!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I think those are thorns inside the red circles. The last photo looks like a leaf starting. You can begin training and shaping your tree the way you want it, but little pruning is needed for a Meyer lemon and only remove 1/3 of the tree during a year. I would wait on topping it until it gets the height you want; plus you said it was starting to branch. Also, you could move it up to a 5 gallon container.
I've included several articles below that should help.

Thank you, Susan! Yes, perhaps I did a bad job circling in red. One circle does have a thorn in it, but if you look closely you can see tiny green baby sprouts.. (I think those are leaves..?)
How tall do you usually want a Meyer lemon tree to be? I barely know anything about these trees.
Thanks again, Susan!