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Meyer Lemon Trees

Q.Meyer Lemon tree fertilizers

Zone I live in the Bronx, NY | Alexg added on November 6, 2015 | Answered

About a month ago, I purchased a three-year-old Meyer Lemon tree (repotted it into a 5-gal container per vendor’s instructions). I read that Meyer Lemon should not be fertilized in autumn and winter. However, at some point I shall have to fertilize it. I have seen several fertilizers on the Web that seem to be beneficial for citrus trees, but I have real difficulty in deciding on the type. In your expert view and from your experience, which of these two may be more effective and appropriate for the Meyer Lemon? One has a 7-4-2 composition, the other – 7-3-3. In terms of these ratios, which one, do you think, should have a better, kind of more ‘Meyer-Lemon-specific’ effect?

Thanks in advance for your advice on this.


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Answered on November 9, 2015
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