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Palm Trees

Q.Mediterranean Fan Palm

Zone Goliad, TX 77963 - Zone 9 | Anonymous added on March 18, 2019 | Answered

I have a mature Mediterranean Fan Palm that has thrived in my front yard for years. (see IMG 4529 for before Harvey pic) This past August, we were hit by Hurricane Harvey and I thought it had totally destroyed my palm, however after trimming excess fronds from each branch, it looks fine, all but the center main branch of the palm. It is leaning badly and was apparently partially torn at base. It has started putting out new fronds at top, but I don’t think it can handle the weight. (see IMGs 1218 and 1221) Can this center main branch be cut out without destroying my palm? And if it can be cut out, how should we remove it?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheryl Worley

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 18, 2019

I would not but anything on the Palm and would recommend you have the palm inspected by a qualified Palm Arborist.
A support may be necessary to stabilize the palm.

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