Q.Medinilla plant propagation
I have had my medinilla magnifica for 3 years and it has bloomed beautifully each year and has grown tremendously. I am planning to cut it back a bit once the flowers have finished. Can the stem cuttings be rooted to form new plants? And can leaf cuttings also be rooted? I don’t want to divide it as there are only 2 main stems, but there is plenty of growth to cut back. I have tried unsuccessfully to obtain additional plants from numerous nursery’s in my area but am told they have not been available for quite some time. Other friends have been coveting my plant since I first obtained it and I would love to be able to start some new plants for them. Also, can the pods from the flower bracts be planted successfully?
Thank you so much for your assistance.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These should help: