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Q.Measurements used for fertilizing with Epsom Salt

Zone Mogale City, Gauteng South Africa. | rscfuzz@gmail.com added on December 19, 2015 | Answered

Would it be possible to include metric measurements for those who live in countries using the metric system when you give quantities of Epsom salt to be used as a fertilizer/drench? I worked out a formula for liquid fertilizer about a year ago where I dissolved 38 grams Epsom salt in 10 liters water and gave it to my tomato plants. The fruits really tasted out of this world, better than they used to taste.

My only problem is I cannot remember on what I based my calculations. I used a tablespoon as 15 milliliters which I then weighed, or I used an ounce as 28 grams. I think I used the imperial gallon which is 4.546 liters as opposed to the US gallons which is equal to 3.785 liters. I would really appreciate an assist on this.

Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 21, 2015

Keep in mind that different plants require different amounts of fertilizer.
Also we recommend a soil test to ensure the accuracy of soil needs.
A common amount to apply to most garden plants would be 2Tablespoons of Epsom Salt to 1 Gallon of water. The Metric conversion would be 30ml to 4 liters of water.
A conversion table is easily found by a Google search; you could print one off to keep for handy reference.


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