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Maple Trees

Q.maple tree that has rotten trunk

Zone new hampshire | kilmyong added on August 31, 2012 | Answered

We have a big maple tree with lots of leaves but with rotted trunk.
It is very powdery as if it is mulch.

I don’t know if we should take it down or is it still okay.
The tree is about 3~4 stories high.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 16, 2012

The tree could survive fine for decades like this. The internal wood is not needed to survive, most of the living wood is right under the bark.

That being said, with a tree that large, if the internal heartwood becomes compromised, the structural stability of the tree also become compromised. Many people choose to take a tree like that down, despite it being healthy looking because they don't want to risk it falling on something or someone.

I would have a tree specialist come out and have a look at it. They may be able to but something in place to reinforce the structure.

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Answered on September 28, 2012

Thank you so much Heather. We found some ants and termites it looks like. White bugs so we dug out the mulch like and sprayed with bug killers.
we can see much healthier trunk!
Have you heard of tree 'paint'?

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