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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Maple tree growing in rose Bush

Zone Twin Lakes MN 56089 | Sans2751 added on May 17, 2016 | Answered

I have a shrub rose (about 15 years old) and a maple tree is growing in it. Both are about 5 feet tall. Is there a way to kill the tree without harming the rose?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 19, 2016

I would prune the tree out all the way down below ground, then continue to prune out any new growth it sends up. The only other way is to dig the shrub rose up and move it over a bit. Then if you want to be rid of the maple tree, prune back the growth to ground level and brush Roundup onto the fresh cuts with a paintbrush, full strength Roundup.

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