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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Many caterpillars in vege garden

Zone Geraldton | Anonymous added on January 22, 2018 | Answered

What do i use to rid caterpillars out of the dirt in my vege garden.They are very small black white.i can put a vege in there and next morning theyre covered in them i have tried manny pestisides with no joy please help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 22, 2018

The most effective (though time-consuming) method for a relatively small garden is to check the garden often, hand-remove the caterpillars and kill the ones you find. If you do this regularly, the caterpillar population will usually greatly decrease quickly.

Also, please see this article about caterpillar control:

If you want to use pesticides, make sure you choose those that are designed to kill caterpillars. It's even better to ID the caterpillars specifically so you can look up info on that specific pest and choose a pesticide that will be effective. A local university extension agent may be able to help, or see this site:

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