Q.manure fertiziling
Have cool season grass.
1. What kind of manure fertilizing should be applied?
2. Where’s the best place to buy it?
3. Should I water after I applied it on the lawn?
4. Is Dec. a good month to apply it?
5. Should I buy sterilized manure?
Please give me any other info. I need to know.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
1. Any kind will be fine. The most common, if you are buying it, will be cow manure.
2. I would recommend that you buy it from a reputable local nursery. They will carry higher quality stuff than the big box stores.
3. Yes, this will help get it into the soil.
4. I would wait until spring to apply. At this time, the grass is going dormant and fertilizer can cause it to "wake up," which will make it susceptible to winter cold.
5. No, you don't need to. Just make sure you are buying either composted or rotted manure. This will have already reached temperatures during composting that will kill any pathogens that may have been in the manure.