Q.Manure – Fall (Autumn)
I have a lot of hostas and ferns and now that autumn is here, I want to spread some bags of (well-rotted) manure bought in a garden centre. Is this advisable? Also, I have a very nice bed of 9 beautiful roses, which are still flowering. Could I put some manure there too? I’m not worrying about burning the plants, as I bought the manure from a reputable garden centre, but I am worried about the timing as autumn is definitely here (in England).
I live in Westmoreland, Tennessee in the USA. I have found that composted horse manure to be the best fertilizer on all my plants outdoor. My vegetable garden output doubled the first year I tried it. My bushes, flowers and grapevines did very well as well. The horse manure should not be fresh as this can burn a plant. About a week or two old, will allow the manure to compost to the point that it makes a very good organic fertilizer.