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Q.manual Pollinating inside poly tunnel

Zone Bangalore | suresh_hs added on January 3, 2017 | Answered

I want to know how to manually pollinate musk melon, pumpkin, bitter gourd and cucumber flowers inside a poly tunnel, as I am not sure they are a parthenocarpic variety.

Thanks in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 3, 2017

Since these plants are all members of the cucurbit family, the procedure for pollination is similar. First, identify the male and female flowers. Cucurbit female flowers have a tiny unfertilized fruit at the base and contain a stigma, while the male flowers will contain stamens, as shown in the below article. The male flowers may begin to show up earlier than the female flowers.


Then, follow these procedures to pollinate:

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