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Mango Trees

Q.Mango in pot, all leaves falling

Zone Norway | Alberto added on September 23, 2017 | Answered

Hello everyone,

We have a mango tree in a pot which we planted from seed about 3 years ago.
It was doing fine until recently, when it started loosing leaves.
Older leaves fall first, but at a speed which will soon leave the stem bare.
Most of the leaves dry up before falling, but we also have completely green leaves falling.

In summer, we fertilize it every 3 weeks with a 4-4-4 organic. In winter we drop the fertilizing to every 2 months or so.
We let is dry a bit before watering again.
The temperature at home is usually 19-21oC (66-69F).
We used a grow light during the winter days. But somehow this showed to dry the new leaves and it was only when we removed it that new leaves continued to grow. This was about 3 months ago.

I send a few pictures of the mango.
Any help is appreciated =)


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 23, 2017

There are a few things working against you here.
1. These trees are somewhat difficult to grow in container. As they have very large root systems.
2. They require high temperatures. They like the heat and humidity. Once it get close to the 50 degree Fahrenheit mark, they slow down drastically.
3. They really need High humidity.

Now... I believe you have it in a container that is a bit too small. Your next step up will be a 30-35L pot. And it will quickly fill that out.

I have one in container now. It is very rewarding but difficult to keep in container. I will include and article that will help here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/mango/mango-trees-in-pots.htm

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