Q.Mandevilla In A Green House In Zone 7
I have this portable “green house” and wondered if my mandevilla would survive on my carport up next to the house over the winter in Zone 7 – near Charlotte, NC. I LOVE this plant but don’t have a suitable place inside. Thank you ! Emilie in NC

You may just have to do what an old neighbor of mine did: regularly buy new ones when they arrive at Lowes or bring the pot inside by a south facing window/glass door when temperatures dropped close to 60F. Carports typically do not provide much protection from a temperature point of view. Since 45 to 50 °F is the minimum temperature that can be tolerated by Mandevilla and since winter lows in Charlotte drop to freezing, plants should be moved to a protected location for the winter well before those temperatures. Before bringing pots indoors, examine them carefully for pests.