Q.Mandevilla Care
I purchased a mature (2′ x 2′) Mandevilla last summer. I placed the plant on a porch facing the west. It received direct sun for mast all the afternoon. I find now that was not correct. However, the plant thrived, bloomed and grew all summer. When the cold weather approached, I cut the plant back to the base as I do for my other plants and brought them in to a controlled temperature room. This spring I brought the plant back out along with the others plants. All the other plants have sprouted, but the Mandevilla has not. How do I determine if it is dead and should be replaced?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Jerry Burroughs

Mandevilla is a frost tender perennial. Your plant would need to be kept above 50 degrees for it to winter over.
Cutting it down to the soil level also may have been to much for your plant. Pruning to about 10 inches would be recommended.
Wait and see, if you see now signs of growth from the roots it did not survive.
Here are a few links for you to refresh you to the proper care.