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Q.Making Roses from Rose stems

Zone Toronto | hamid added on January 10, 2018 | Answered

Hi dears, I try to make new roses from rose stems. Picture 1 shows that the stem has grown from 3 points which makes me happy, however, I don’t know why after some days they all whiter, as you can see my another pot in picture 2. I live in Toronto which is very cold now, but I am treating my pots in plastic bags and in my own room! I leave a small part of the zippers open for air though Awaiting your reply …….Thanks: Hamid

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 11, 2018

Once leaves emerge from the cane, remove the plastic bag. The high humidity needed while the plant forms its first roots becomes a liability. Frankly, you also need a pots with drainage holes. It will be very easy to overwater with your current set-up which will cause root rot and result in leaf kill. Since establishing roots is the most important thing in starting a plant from cuttings, loose soil is vital. I would add extra sand or perlite to regular potting mix.

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