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Garlic Plants

Q.maintenance of Garlic Chives

Zone 4020 | hswebb added on February 26, 2016 | Answered

With garlic chives variegated (has a Purple flower), should it be cut back to reduce the base size of the plant at ground level on a weekly basis? This is what is being done currently.

Are the fumes given off by this plant a hazard to one’s health (lungs), as the smell left in clothing and on the skin is quite overpowering?

How and when should this plant actually have any attention to it?

Any information you can give me or refer me to would be of great assistance.

Kind Regards
H Webb

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 26, 2016

You can aggressively cut your Garlic Chives back. They can be quite invasive if planted in the ground.
Keep the plants dead-headed to keep from reseeding.
If the smell of the Garlic Chives bothers you, I would wear gloves when working with the Herb.
Garlic is considered 5x more potent then onions, Garlic Chives are more mild then Garlic.
Here is a link with more information.


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