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Magnolia Trees

Q.Magnolia Tree Problems And Verticillium Wilt

Zone Bluffton, SC 29910 | Jose Lozano added on June 26, 2020 | Answered

Thank You for the response. After reading about verticillium will on the web, I understand that it is a cousin to the fusarium blight. I have more questions and hope that you can provide some insights. Is there a fungicide that would be more effective against verticillium? Also, I have cedar mulch surrounding the Magnolia. Is it possible that this may contribute to the growth of verticillium?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2020

Copper fungicides will be somewhat helpful, but the best way to prevent the issue will be removing any infected plant material and keeping it far away from the tree. This will include the mulch. Fresh mulch will be required after treatment.

Here is an article that will guide you on copper fungicide use:


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