Q.Magnolia Tree – Damage to Trunk
My magnolia tree (Yellow Bird) had a bamboo pole tied to it to help it stay straight and not bend in the wind while still young. The twine that held the pole cut into the trunk and the tree has started to grow around it. I was able to get the pole and twine out of the trunk, but now there is a circular cut around the trunk. Is there something I can do to help it heal and protect it from any further damage? The trunk at this point is about 2. 5 to 3 inches around and it is about 5 feet up the trunk. The tree is about 10 feet tall. I hope you can help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The best thing you can do for it is to wrap it in paper (they sell it at nurseries for trees) and leave it to heal. Do not seal the wounds with anything as this can trap disease in the wound. The paper will keep disease from getting in and will allow the wound to breathe so it can heal.