Q.Magnolia Tree
Recent purchase of x2 Magnolia trees.
One seems fine & establishing growth well.
However, the O her, has been replanted into larger pot, with new soil & compost. Diluted ‘worm juice’ watered into soil. Root ball was left intact & not ‘broken’. Since then leaves have discoloured & died. No new leaves are appearing after 3-4 weeks. Very light tip pruning has been done to check branches had not died.. Pot is in sun…regular rain period, so watered well.
Any suggestions or advice & if plant yet to start regrowth!
Thankyou Megan
Photos to be provide & exact tre name.
Make sure that when you repotted it, the base of the tree was kept at the same level in the soil, so that the soil comes up to the same spot on the trunk as it did in the original pot. If that's not the problem, it may just be transplant shock. Sometimes this happens even if the roots are not damaged. See these articles: