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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Madagascar Palm Health

Zone Houston | Meyersman added on July 7, 2016 | Answered

Several months ago my pachypodium (sold under the name geayi) started to drop its leaves. At first just sparsely at the bottom of the plant, but increased in frequency. I thought it may be root rot so I left it out in the sun for a while and that made the leaves worse and the top of the plant looks as though it caved in and the spines and leaves around that portion of the plant died. What can I do to save my pachypodium?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 8, 2016

It looks like your plant may not be getting enough water, or a combination of not enough water and sunlight that could be too bright, too direct. As long as the pot is well-drained, you should be able to water your palm whenever the surface soil is dry.

Make sure the plant is in bright but not direct sunlight, try spritzing it lightly in the early morning or late evening and water it when the surface soil is dry. Re-pot it if the container isn't draining well.


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