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Leyland Cypress

Q.leyland cypress

Zone Columbia sc 29209 | btackett added on August 5, 2016 | Answered

My 5 year old cypress (15 feet) is dying. Branches are drying up. In about 3 weeks, about 10 branches have dried up, with more each day. It’s in between 2 other trees cypress. Should I cut branches off? What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 7, 2016

I'm sorry your Leyland cypress doesn't seem to be doing well!

If all 3 trees are planted very close together, they could be crowding each other out and the overlapping branches could be wounding the one that's losing the leaves.

Two additional possibilities could simply be that the middle tree isn't getting enough water or a pest such as bagworms is attacking it.

Fortunately, midsummer is the best time to prune the tree if that's the direction you decide to go. These articles may help you determine what the issue is and properly prune your tree.



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